HeAlth Project: Introduction
  • Description

Recent studies reveal a concerning trend: individuals with ASD are increasingly relying on emergency department (ED) services due to reduced access to preventive healthcare. Unfortunately, the healthcare system often struggles to accommodate the specific needs of patients with ASD, even when they seek treatment for common somatic conditions unrelated to their ASD diagnosis. Some healthcare professionals, including general practitioners and specialists, have been hesitant to admit patients with ASD due to a lack of understanding about the condition, even when medical attention is urgently required. The core objective of our project is to champion inclusion, accessibility, and nondiscrimination for individuals with autism. To achieve this, we aim to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for patients with ASD by raising awareness, knowledge, and skills among healthcare professionals and medical students. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that individuals with ASD enjoy the same healthcare rights as all members of the general population.

  • Objectives

- To identify the gaps, good practices and areas for development in terms of provision of appropriate healthcare services to patients with ASD

- To develop a Training program for healthcare professionals, providing them with skills and strategies to help individuals with ASD overcome barriers that they may experience during their visit to healthcare facilities

- To share the materials and training program with stakeholders and make recommendations to national policymakers across Europe

  • Consortium

- Fondacija hiljadu zelja (Serbia)

- Sina Svetulka (North Macedonia)

- Vimodo ltd (Cyprus)

- GESEME 1996 SL (Spain)


  • Website

Coming Soon

  • Project duration

01/11/2023 –  31/10/2025 (24 months)

  • Project number



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