eRejuvenate Academy
  • Description

Taking into consideration a lack in second-market professionals, EREJUVENATE ACADEMY Project aims to promote circular economy and enhance new competencies for career growth in the field on
European level and not only.

  • Objectives

– to provide a better understanding and the know-how in second-market industry
– to enhance the collaboration and the exchange of good practices among second-market
– to enhance new skills to better manage the remote needs of employers in different areas
– to promote the importance of the circular economy

  • Consortium

– Camera per la Cooperazione e Incentivo al Partenariato (E10129160 – Italy)

– Vimodo ltd (E10307011 – Cyprus)

– APVET – Associação Portuguesa de Instituições VET (E10284765 – Portugal)

  • Project duration

16/03/2023 –  16/03/2024 (12 months)

  • Project number


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