PreSchool-ABA: Introduction
  • Description

PreschoolABA project is inspired by the pivotal role preschool teachers play in nurturing the development of young children, including those with autism. We are dedicated to creating an evidence-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) training package uniquely tailored for preschool teachers, equipping them with the expertise needed for early interventions. ABA, a well-established approach for supporting children with autism, forms the foundation of our program (Bruder & Turturro, 2018). This comprehensive training package will include a digital game designed to make learning interactive, enjoyable, and self-paced, ensuring that teachers can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge effectively.

  • Objectives

- Improve the quality of care provided to children with autism by preschool teachers

- Empower preschool teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective early interventions for children with autism

- Reduce stress and burnout among preschool teachers

- Raise awareness and increase the understanding of autism among preschool teachers and the wider community, by conducting awareness-raising events within the local community

  • Consortium

Institute for Studies in Social Inclusion, Diversity and Engagement (Ireland)

– Sina Svetulka (North Macedonia)

– Vimodo ltd (Cyprus)

– Centar za autizam (Croatia)


– Infinitivity Design Labs (France)

  • Website

Coming Soon

  • Project duration

01/11/2023 –  31/10/2025 (24 months)

  • Project number



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